One Frame Friday | Door County Wedding | Work Hard Play Hard

I have very few rules for myself but I do have a few like no white belts, no work on Sundays (sometimes broken) never leave angry, stuff like that. When it comes to photographing weddings I have more limitations like no travel weddings without my family on board. Its not worth it to me to be gone from them for long periods of time and missing out on things. I can barely have them stay over at grandmas house which is right next door. So when I book a wedding 3+ hours away, it's either all or none. You get the Stephenson clan or we don't take the wedding. This is discussed with my husband beforehand, we make arrangements and make it work. I like to extend the weekend and have playtime too, to discover something new or town, city or even state! 

This is my rule, it works for me and once a year or so it works for the family. Today, Friday I am probably sitting at the Jack 'O Lantern Days parade in Fish Creek, Door County with my 21 month old on my lap and my husband and almost 4 years old scavenging all the candy they can get. Hopefully we will be going to some of my favorite stops, Wild Tomato Pizza for lunch, Plum Loco Farm, PC Junction, Woodwalk Gallery, Stone's Throw, Sister Bay Bowl and the Cookery for live music. (sorry no links I'm in a hurry but google them!)

We will play hard until I go to shoot the wedding and then when I am done we will go back to playing and enjoying our time away. Unplugged for the most part, soaking up the surroundings and last weekend of October in one of my most favorite areas of Wisconsin.

So today, I am absorbing my family, our laughs, our cries, the arguments over the last juice box. Away from phones, road construction, mail, dishes, laundry, garbage, computers, the day to day hustle and bustle.

Enjoy your weekend! 


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