One Frame Friday | Life Lessons | Wisconsin Wedding Photographer

So, nothing wedding related came up this week for me to blab about but in March and April a few personal things happen, March 28th was the 10 year anniversary of the day I met my husband  (wait- that was 10 flippin' years ago?!?) birthday is approaching soon (29 again right?). Makes me think of who I've become over the last 10 years and how much I like her.

When I was in my 20's I was such a brat, I didn't want kids (I knew it all didn't I? bahah) I barely wanted a steady boyfriend. I had a good job and my own house and my friends and I went on all sorts of trips and adventures, but I was not happy. But still,I needed those days of my life, like the old saying everyone you meet teaches you a lesson, that part of my life was a lesson.  To prepare me for when my life really began.

I've traded in a social life, Vegas vacations and a cool car for diapers, sleepless nights and Buzz and Woody but I would never go back, I would trade nothing, not even to be 20 something again.

My 30's have been by the farthest margin the happiest years of my life. I wish I could tell my 20 something year old self how dead wrong about life she was maybe the good stuff would have started sooner ;)


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