Barn at Harvest Moon Pond | One Frame Friday | Learning to Fly

Every year when wedding season begins the same thing happens, mass chaos. I know it's coming, it's been booked for a year + but still I am a deer in headlights. I'm a hypocrite because I complain about people (hi mom) who procrastinate Christmas, (Hello it comes the same date every year). Every year I always wonder how I could do things better but I really try to pay attention to how much better I already do things now compared to over the years!

I have really learned how to gracefully say no to clients and sessions that were simply not a good fit for me.  I have learned to say "All the best to you" to the inquiries that pass me by, I have learned that I am not very competitive and I don't care much what others are doing, where they shot, or who they shot. I have learned I have a knack for choosing super awesome clients, (No, seriously I really do, It's a gift), I have learned I do not need to take every wedding, session or random request that comes at me. I learned how to work smarter, not harder. I learned most of all, finally how to balance my life (better anyway).

Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do in life. I'm not trying to win any races or contests or get rich here. I'm shooting weddings for couples who I met and connected with and just knew I wanted to be part of their big day. I am doing something just for me, something that feeds my creativity and something that fills my heart with joy. 

These people filled my heart.

Jared and Rachel Miller married at The Barn at Harvest Moon Pond on May 9, 2014 more of this amazing wedding to come to the blog on Monday!


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